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Blackwood Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc.


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  • 12 Sep 2023 3:22 PM | Anonymous

    Fantastic news to share with everyone. We are ready to launch!

    Everyone is invited to join our board in celebrating the renewal of our regional chamber of commerce. 

    The newly named 'Blackwood Chamber of Commerce and Industry' has been going through the legalities of starting up a new chamber and would love to tell you all about our progress. 

    Join us at The Cidery on the 16th of October at 6.30pm to celebrate and find out more. 

    Book here

  • 6 Jul 2023 12:10 PM | Anonymous

    Today I was interview by Donnybrook Community Radio on our new Chamber of Commerce. Click on the link below to listen.

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The association is open to all businesses in the Bridgetown Greenbushes Region and surrounds. This includes businesses who trade in the area but are not residing in the area. Join us today and have your say!

+61 428579947

PO Box 418, Bridgetown, 6255, WA


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